Festival de Artes Performativas GEN.era
to Oct 1

Festival de Artes Performativas GEN.era

REVOLUÇÃO DE GÉNERO - Descobrir; Construir & Crescer; Afirmar.

Conferências com apresentações curtas (tipo TED Talk) com intervenção de convidados(as), com sessões no IFICT, Teatro Ibérico e, em parceria com o projeto BE F**KING PERFECT – THE PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE, coordenado por Chiara Pussetti, com sessões no Galeria Óriq.

Nos últimos anos a temática do género tem estado a ser discutida em todo o mundo. Elegemos como tema central para estas conferências a REVOLUÇÃO DE GÉNERO, precisamente, para partilharmos experiências e vivências de todas estas mudanças e do seu impacto nas vidas individuais e colectivas das pessoas.

Com um leque tão variado de convidados(as), considerámos importante a criação de subtemas que nos possam ajudar na discussão e na reflexão da importância desta temática, nas diversas áreas de intervenção: Descobrir; Construir; Crescer; Afirmar.

GALERIA ÓRIQ - https://www.oriq.pt

Morada: Rua Pereira e Sousa 13A, 1350-243 Lisboa


Dia 23 setembro às 18h30 (Entrada livre, mediante a capacidade da sala)

TEMA: Construir e Afirmar  


Chiara Pussetti


·  Miguel Vale de Almeida

·  Mónica Ferro

·  Rita Ferro Rodrigues

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EXCEL Month - Final exhibition "Be Fu**ing perfect: the pursuit of excellence"
to Oct 16

EXCEL Month - Final exhibition "Be Fu**ing perfect: the pursuit of excellence"

BE FU**ING PERFECT – The Pursuit of Excellence” conta com a colaboração das artistas multipremiadas Evija Laivina e Jessica Ledwich e convida a uma reflexão sobre os limites e os riscos ligados à procura da perfeição humana e aos padrões hegemónicos do corpo-norma proposto pelos media, e sobre a violência da normatividade estética que traduz e reproduz estruturas já existentes de desigualdade e diferenciação.

A exposição, que estará patente de 15 de setembro a 16 de outubro na Galeria Óriq 2020, em Lisboa, apresenta os resultados do projeto de investigação EXCEL. The Pursuit of Excellence. Biotechnologies, enhancement and body capital in Portugal, Coordenado por Chiara Pussetti, Investigadora Auxiliar do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa e financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P..

Para ver a agenda de eventos em português clique aqui.

English version of the programme here.


QUINTA - SEXTA 16:00-20:00

SÁBADO 10:00-20:00

DOMINGO 10:00-13:00

  A capacidade tecnológica de transformar a biologia – ligada aos avanços na engenharia genética, na farmacologia, na bioengenharia, na cibernética e na nanotecnologia – tem gerado nos últimos anos uma ampla variedade de dispositivos de manipulação dos corpos e das principais funções humanas. O mercado das biotecnologias de melhoramento dos seres humanos (estético, cognitivo, sexual, antienvelhecimento, etc.) é um dos mais ativos e rentáveis do mundo e a oferta da indústria do aperfeiçoamento é cada vez mais acessível, mais económica e minimamente invasiva.

 A prática de transformar o corpo é uma constante no percurso histórico-cultural humano e evoluiu para uma normalização contemporânea. Inúmeros motivos nos levam a alterar os nossos, sobretudo como possibilidade para a autoexpressão e para a autodeterminação, ou como veículo nos processos de assimilação e pertença. À medida que a ciência progride, também aumentam as possibilidades de projetar os nossos corpos e mentes para além dos limites.

Através da linguagem artística e visual, esta exposição apresenta os resultados do projeto EXCEL – Em busca da Excelência, desenvolvido por um grupo multidisciplinar de investigadores do ICS-UL Instituto de Ciências Sociais  e da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa coordenado pela Doutora Chiara Pussetti, PhD em Antropologia Cultural pela Universidade de Turim, na Itália, e docente no Doutoramento em Antropologia da Universidade de Lisboa, que durante os últimos 5 anos se tem dedicado a investigar a prática do melhoramento humano em Portugal, abordando temas como as heranças coloniais na indústria da estética, as práticas antienvelhecimento, o melhoramento cognitivo, as manipulações hormonais, a bioética, a medicina cosmética e a cirurgia plástica, a realidade DIY (i.e. faça você mesmo) e o biohacking.

BE FU**ING PERFECT – The Pursuit of Excellence”, com curadoria de Chiara Pussetti, apresenta, pela primeira vez em Portugal, fotografias da artista letã Evija Laivina e da artista australiana Jessica Ledwich que, pelos seus trabalhos sobre a violência latente nos ideais de beleza, receberam respetivamente o prémio Lens Culture Student Spotlight Portrait Award (2017) e o prémio Fast Track do British Journal of Photography (2021). De Laivina, serão apresentadas imagens das séries fotográficas “Everything is Going to Be Awsome”, “Beauty Warriors” e “Fat Series”. Já Ledwich apresenta fotografias do seu premiado ensaio “Monstruos-feminine”.

 Para além do trabalho destas fotógrafas, a exposição apresenta de forma criativa alguns dos resultados da pesquisa desenvolvida pelo grupo de investigadores do EXCEL e o documentário em curta-metragem Crónicas da Excelência - Nos Labirintos da (im)Perfeição realizado pelo antropólogo visual e realizador Francesco Dragone http://www.francescodragone.com. Acontecerão ainda debates, tertúlias e eventos gratuitos e abertos ao público em geral onde serão abordados os temas centrais do projeto com a presença de investigadores, opinion makers e artistas e intelectuais portugueses e estrangeiros.

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VIII APA Congress
to Sep 9

VIII APA Congress

  • Universidade de Évora Portugal (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The New 20s: Challenges, Uncertainties and Resistances
The 8th Congress of the Portuguese Anthropological Association (APA) will take place in Évora in September 2022, at a time that we hope will be different from the one we live in today.

The pandemic, which reconfigured our lives and social practices, accentuated doubts and uncertainties, brought fears and apprehensions, and reinforced the need to understand what is happening in the world. We questioned the sustainability of the planet, the balance in the relationship between humans and non-humans (or lack thereof); we confirmed the precariousness of life, the collapse of health systems; we discussed the control of States over our routines, our bodies, and this made us discover new dimensions in our lives.

Now we want to turn a new page
The new 20s are just that: to think that, in the ashes of a decade that has ended, there is a new one at the door – timid, to be sure – but full of challenges.

What expectations do we build for the future? What do we fear, as anthropologists, in public policies, in the scarcities and needs of the communities, in acquired rights? What paths do we take in the reconfiguration of concepts such as normality, routine, private and public space? Which resistances and uncertainties will emerge in the coming years?

In this 8th Congress, we await signs and working hypotheses. We can always continue to observe, listen, record and (re)act. What else can we do as anthropologists engaged with the world and the society(ies) in which we live and work?


“Rethinking the body as ‘under construction’ in and beyond post-pandemic emergency”. Coordinators: Federica Manfredi and Isabel Pires. Discussant: Chiara Pussetti.

Short abstract:

Covid19 influenced body practices accelerating the virtualization of our bodies: how practices of body care and self-enhancement are adapting to the lowing-down of social restrictions? What are post-pandemic times revealing about the way we think, enhance and take care of ourselves through embodied practices?


“Beauty as an emergency ritual. Aesthetic responses to the pandemic” (panel P015-Rethinking the body as “under construction” in and beyond a post-pandemic emergency), proposed by Chiara Pussetti.

Short abstract:

From an ethnographic perspective, this paper explores how the pandemic is impacting our daily aesthetic “appearance improving” practices, delivering massive changes to our beauty and self-care routines.

"Do I work for the smartphone or the smartphone works for me? An anthropological reflection on ethnographer’s availability during digital and presencial fieldwork” (panel P049-Ethnographies at the touch of the screen), proposed by Federica Manfredi.

Short abstract:

Smartphones and internet-based communications are powerful ethnographical tools requiring urgent reflections f rom anthropologist: the paper proposes to discuss pros and cons of the digital connections focusing on asynchrony, polytextuality and resting needs.

“Sentirse bien en la piel. Historias de ansiedad y deseo de una piel perfecta de mujeres chinas emigrantes en Lisboa” (P032-“Bellezas no-hegemónicas: una mirada crítica e interseccional de la belleza en contextos (trans)nacionales”), proposed by Isabel Pires.

Short abstract:

Mediante la presentación de datos preliminares del trabajo de campo, intento comprender el valor atribuido a una piel “buena” y “bonita” por parte de las mujeres chinas migrantes en Lisboa, cómo lo consiguen y cómo las experiencias y prácticas cotidianas, como el cuidado y el tratamiento, se relacionan con las normas sociales y las subjetividades de género y racializadas. Historias de ansiedad y deseo de una piel perfecta de mujeres chinas emigrantes en Lisboa.

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KISMIF Conference
to Jul 16

KISMIF Conference

  • Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS





In our contemporaneous societies, beauty is one of the main female’s responsibility. A woman's worth (or who identifies with the female gender) is based primarily on how close or how far she comes to embodying the ideal. As a result, woman are supposed to conform to the extremely narrow and well-defined standards of beauty. In the consumer culture, a woman body offers a powerful canvas on which to paint persuasive portraits of self, identity, and otherness and to construct or critically deconstruct hegemonic beauty ideals.

Aesthetic surgery and aesthetic procedures are a by-product of the advancement of medical technology has particularly contributed to a new malleability of the body. The almost incessant possibilities for constant molding and reinventing one’s body provided by new technologies reinforce the fundamental importance of the body in processes such as identity-making, self-definition and self-promotion in the consumer society. Doctors as plastic surgeons, aesthetics doctors, dermatologists or even gynecologists conceive the body as a malleable canvas on which they can demonstrate their skill. Depicted as a passive body on the canvas, the imperfect woman is constructed as a victim. The medical doctor will be her hero, in between a savior and a master-artist who prepares the patient for the transformation, just as the painter intervene on a raw material using canvas and paints, or as what the sculptor does with marble, the musician with the staves, the photographer with cling films and the dancer with cleats.



Participants are invited to register sending an email (isabelpires85@gmail.com; federicamanfredi@hotmail.fr) with a brief description of their proposal.



The activity arises from the project ‘EXCEL - The Pursuit of Excellence. Biotechnologies, enhancement and body capital in Portugal’, founded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/SOC-ANT/30572/2017), and coordinated by Chiara Pussetti at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa.

At the same conference, Federica Manfredi proposed the paper “Plastic Barbies and bodies made of plastic”.

For more information: www.kismifconference.com

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11º Congresso Ibérico de Estudos Africanos
to Jul 8

11º Congresso Ibérico de Estudos Africanos

  • Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

O CIEA11 será organizado pelo Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa (CH-ULisboa).
Desde 1991 e ao longo de dez edições, o Congresso Ibérico de Estudos Africanos (CIEA) constituiu-se como um espaço singular de encontro, partilha e questionamento sobre a produção académica ibérica e internacional no domínio dos Estudos Africanos. O CIEA10 realizou-se em Granada, em janeiro de 2018, e foi organizado pelo AFRICAInEs: Investigación y Estudios Aplicados al Desarollo, Universidade de Granada.
O 11º CIEA adota como lema: Trânsitos Africanos no Mundo Global: História e Memórias, Heranças e Inovações.

Chiara Pussetti e Clara Saraiva apresentarão a comunicação How beautiful are you? Black power, body enhancement and racism.

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19th IMISCOE Annual Conference
to Jul 1

19th IMISCOE Annual Conference

  • Oslo Metropolitan University Norway (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Migration is intertwined with time in myriad ways and at multiple scales. In individual lives, migration propels change over time and entails engagement with personal pasts and futures. Time and temporalities are structuring migration experiences, when refugees are granted temporary protection, labour migrants are offered temporary employment and rights of residency, and undocumented migrants are living with uncertainties for the future. The governance of migration is also the governance of migrants’ relations to and experiences of time. Governance of migration happens in time – sometimes in the form of rapid changes in times of “crisis”, but perhaps also through postponement when the urgency has passed.

Attention to time and temporalities illuminates processes of othering and patterns of inequalities, as well as forms of resistance and adaptations to policies and institutions. The rapid changes in laws, regulations, policies and practices of migration also have repercussions on the topics, theoretical approaches, and methodologies of migration scholars. These and other perspectives on time and migration have flourished as part of the emerging ‘temporal turn’ in migration studies. The theme ‘migration and time’ brings out disciplinary, methodological and theoretical diversity of migration research with a shared focus. 

EXCEL Project team will be represented by Isabel Pires at this conference, with the the paper “I’ll take the oranges, the Garam Masala and the skin whitener please”. Beauty images, beauty consumption and the desire for white beauty in the migrant Asian population in modern Lisbon.

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Nordic Ethnology and Folklore Conference
to Jun 16

Nordic Ethnology and Folklore Conference


“Body-marks and Transformations”. Federica Manfredi* (Lisbon University) and Carole Myers (Manchester University). Discussant: Amelie Keyser-Verreault (Concordia University).

*Panel coordination replaced by Clara Saraiva (Lisbon University)



“Praising immortality, defeating death and (re)producing perfection through bodies”. Authors: Clara Saraiva, Federica Manfredi and Sara Lee;

“Eyes wide open: the ‘Asian eye repair’ under the knife of a plastic surgeon”. Author: Isabel Pires.

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 Visual Expressions of Health, Illness and Healing
to Jun 4

Visual Expressions of Health, Illness and Healing

34th Annual Conference of the Association for Anthropology and Medicine (AGEM) in Cooperation with the Austrian Ethnomedical Society and Weltmuseum Wien

Visualization of medical topics to communicate aspects of health, suffering, diseases and therapeutic intervention may be used in different ways. Depending on setting, purpose and audience, images may be created not only as a didactic tool in order to explain medical content. Embedded in their respective social and wider contexts, artists around the world use their works to draw attention to social and disease-related suffering. Depiction can be done in the context of therapy, in the educational training of prospective medical professionals rooted in their medical cultures as well as on a broader societal stage. Simple sketches, vivid comics, elaborate paintings or computer-aided simulations, to name just a few possibilities, are used to directly illustrate topics that are often difficult to access through language alone. They not only facilitate understanding, but also enable awareness of and discussion about topics relevant to health. Pictures or drawings of the inner state and other visual tools can make it easier for patients to demonstrate and articulate their psychological or physical complaints and body perception. We will explore the many ways of visual expression in the context of healing and look at options of their use for individual healing, education or social awareness. This also raises the question of which type of visualisation is appealing to whom. The conference shall be aligned interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary with a focus on visual medical anthropology and transcultural medical humanities. Researchers, artists, curators, health professionals as well as patients and their relatives are invited to contribute with their experience and expertise. The AGEM conference 2022 will be a continuation of the previous conference "Aesthetics of Healing: Working with the Senses in Therapeutic Contexts" which took place in 2019. It is the aim of the organizers that the conference will be a tribute to Prof. Armin Prinz (1945-2018), physician and anthropologist, who was the first Professor of Medical Anthropology (Ethnomedizin) in Austria and a specialist for visual medical anthropology. He founded the Austrian Ethnomedical Society (Österreichische Ethnomedizinische Gesellschaft) and established a collection of numerous ethnomedical objects and paintings, which were donated to the Weltmuseum Wien in 2017.


“‘It’s all about the fantasy!’: Selfie filters, social networks and snapchat
dysmorphia in Modern China”, by Isabel Pires.

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COMbART 2022
to May 31

COMbART 2022

Federica Manfredi and Isabel Pires proposed the workshop/street exhibition "The Hacked Barbie go outside: from Lisbon 2021 to Porto 2022. An experimental dissemination hit for a militant anthropology”.

For more information: https://combart.eventqualia.net/pt/2022/inicio/

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XXVI Congresso Internacional de Antropologia Ibero-Americana: Território, migrações e fronteiras
to Mar 25

XXVI Congresso Internacional de Antropologia Ibero-Americana: Território, migrações e fronteiras

O Congresso Internacional de Antropologia Ibero-americana reúne profissionais e investigadores de disciplinas associadas e complementares à antropologia, como a sociologia, a história, a filosofia, a comunicação, a economia, a política ou a literatura.

Ao longo das suas diversas edições, o Congresso tem-se assumido como o ponto de convergência e reflexão de centenas de professores e investigadores, alunos e interessados, provenientes de vários pontos do globo. 

Esta edição irá realizar-se no Fundão (Portugal) entre os dias 22 a 25 de março de 2022, subordinada aos temas “Território, Migrações e Fronteiras”, assuntos atuais e de primordial importância para a antropologia e disciplinas associadas. 

O Congresso é organizado pela Universidade de Salamanca (Espanha), Câmara Municipal de Fundão (Portugal) e o Instituto Histórico e Geográfico de Santa Catarina (Brasil), e conta com o apoio do Instituto de Investigações Antropológicas de Castelo e Leão (Espanha), da Sociedade Espanhola de Antropologia Aplicada (Espanha), da Sociedade Ibero-americana de Antropologia Aplicada (países Ibero-americanos), do Master Universitário em Antropologia de Ibero-América da Universidade de Salamanca (Espanha) e da Rede Universitária de Antropologia de Ibero-América.

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